90’s Racing 2

This game was developed based on Unity 3D framework.

The game have an online competition section, that require to create a non-personal (fantasy) Game Name, mixing some pre-defined words. That Game ID is not unique, and can NOT reasonably identify your real name or any other sensible or personal information about you… The only way to let other people identify you inside the game is to tell they what your Game Id is. Any consequences arising from such action are your responsibility, and cannot be claimed against us.

The Game Name is interlally associated in the app with an unique Device ID calculated by Unity Engine, and it was sent ONLY to our server, at the PURE SCOPE to compare your score with other players.
Other players do NOT receive your DeviceID locally, and they can NOT see or access your unique Unity ID.

The Device ID is automatically deleted form the server datablase after 15 days from your last play.

For any questions, please contact us using developer’s references in the app/play store.

Thank you.
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